Are You Thinking Of Starting Your Own Chocolate Business?This EBook Is For You!Avoid the pitfalls Nobody else will share!

The Business Of Craft Chocolate

ISBN: 9781370861804

For 10 years this business has been under a microscope. People in all areas of the industry have watched to see what I was doing, and how I was doing it. I've even had chocolatiers tour my shop under aliases. Now I'm pulling the curtain all the way back and in this book, providing you everything you need to ensure the success of your little chocolate business!

BIG OR SMALL IT DOESN'T MATTER Whether you're a home hobbyist thinking about going to the next level, or an already established chocolatier looking for cost validation and alternative marketing strategies, there's something of significant value in here for you! Links to spreadsheets containing income statements, equipment lists, plug and play food costing, and even a full scale business plan you can use as a cut and paste template, it's all here!

Available For Nook, Kobo, Sony Readers, Kindle, Tablets, PDF readers, as well as older Sony and Palm devices.

I can't even begin to count the number of books available containing chocolate recipes. There are also a plethora of books being written and published which talk about the evolution of craft chocolate, and the bean to bar industry. However not a single one of those books will tell you how to start your own chocolate business. They won't tell you what your food costs should be. They won't tell you how to find and keep good staff. They won't share labour costs, or whether or not you should even make your own chocolate and why.

If you are passionate about chocolate and are thinking about starting your own chocolate business, these are the answers you need - not another brownie recipe.

This Ebook is hard hitting, blunt and to the point. It provides you real examples of what I went through in the process of building my successful chocolate business. (key word here is "successful"). I share with you what to expect from industry cycles, what tradeshows typically cost, whether or not a farmers market might be a good venue for you, and more.

I also share significant marketing strategies, how they work, when the don't work, and how you can use traditional media to your benefit.

This Ebook contains links to spreadsheets with proforma income statements, food costing algorithms, equipment lists, a sample project plan, a checklist for opening your own shop, and best of all, a real business plan for a chocolate company that you can use as a template to design your own. Download them and make them work for you! The value of these spreadsheets alone is worth the thousands of dollars a consultant would typically charge you for!

What is Vendor financing? What is factoring? What can I expect from crowdfunding? How can I make Groupon work for me? What should my wholesale prices be and who should I wholesale to? The answers are all here. Hopefully you can use them to build one of the chocolate companies that other people write about in their book and not another flash in the pan small business that failed!


I think it is a great book for anyone considering getting into the business of making chocolate. Have read your posts on John Nanci's site and I know Clay well. I see a lot of similarities in how you get your messages across. I really appreciate people like yourselves.


Even having a crazy busy week, I managed to read the book! It is a wealth of knowledge, experience, valuable info with numbers, real life experiences, resources etc. The reading is sooo engaging that it was difficult for me to put it down. I just finished reading it, took a bunch of notes and so ever grateful for all the links and spread sheets provided! Thank you for literally being 'An Open Book'.


I have been reading and reflectin here for more than an hour and my brain is running in may directions as I get prompted by your statements. I'm only part way through and excited to keep reading! I have my notebook wtih me and many notes have been taken as I go. 'Clear and Concise End Goal' is going to be my thought for the day.


I am a founding sponsor of C-CAP (Careers through Culinary Arts Program). They are a national non-profit that educates, and guides underserved high school students toward a bright future. C-CAP impacts over 17,500 students a year and has awarded over $53 million in scholarships since its inception 27 years ago. I have given it and once over and been still reading. We have very similar backgrounds an you are very much on the money with your advice.


Really liking it so far! Also makes me realize that I've winged it so far even with a business plan...