It's About Time...

that "good for you" also tasted good.

Proteins & Smoothies

Here at 2-Pure, we use a proprietary blend of milk protein isolate and concentrate. This blend retains the natural casein content in milk, which is normally 80% casein and 20% whey. Casein contains all essential amino acids, making it a complete protein.

Due to its satiating effect and muscle preservation properties, casein is frequently targeted at fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and those following calorie-restricted diets.

At the same time, our blend of milk proteins also retain significantly more fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and casein-bound vitamins (B12, folate) and minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, than whey protein products.

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Proteins & Smoothies

Let's be honest here. Most plant-based proteins taste terrible. We know. We've poured a LOT down the sink during our research. In our CEO's own words, "I'd rather lick the parking lot than be forced to consume most of them!". True story.

We use rice protein which has gone through a patented enzyme process to increase its protein concentration and bioavailability. This process also breaks down the non-protein components, improves digestibility and creates a neutral flavour.

Isn't it about time that "Good For You" also tastes good? We think so. Yay! No more "acquiring a taste" for your food!

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Wait, What!?
No Whey Eh!

Whey proteins are a by-product of cheese manufacturing, whereas milk proteins are made from spray-dried whole milk.

Both are excellent sources of dairy-based proteins. Howevever milk-based proteins capture more of the vitamins, minerals, and flavour lost when cheese is made and the remaining whey is dried.

Supplement companies all use whey because it's cheaper and more readily available. Here at 2-Pure we're focused on quality, not quantity. While it's more expensive to buy, we're the brand, manufacturer, distributor and retailer, so we can pass great savings on to you!

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Zero Crap!
100% Natural

You're reading this because you're concerned (and rightfully so) about the ingredients in your food. This is why we take no shortcuts on the path to creating the 'best of the best' and use milk proteins rather than whey proteins. You'll also find no "natural flavour" (aka chemicals), sweeteners, other chemicals or fillers here. EVER.

By celebrating the quality and flavour of each ingredient we use, we can create products that stand out from our peers in every way. We don't need to use additives to mask off-flavours or save money, or reach a broader audience. Sometimes simpler is simply better.

Our Ingredients

About 2-Pure

2-Pure Inc. is a company and brand founded by Brad Churchill, the owner of Calgary-based luxury chocolate maker Choklat Inc. For more than 16 years Mr. Churchill has been sourcing rare and exceptional quality ingredients to make the more than 250 recipes he's developed for Choklat.

Late in 2023 he was asked by someone close to him to research and hopefully create a protein powder that not only tasted good, but wasn't full of chemicals, fillers, sweeteners and other crap typically found in mainstream protein supplements. He went to work, and in January 2024 2-Pure was born!

Fast forward to today, the 2-Pure brand is taking off! Thousands of units have been sold right through this website. Nutritionists are recommending it. Natural Food Stores and pharmacies are starting to stock it and 2-Pure has secured a place in the GoodLife Fitness Member Rewards Program. The company even entered a "protein hot chocolate" boasting 37g of protein into the YYC hot chocolate Festival and tied for 3rd place - besting the signature hot chocolates of more than 130 other competitors, including high end chocolate shops and coffee shops! We couldn't find a single protein powder that could make this claim!

Quality of ingredients. Absence of sweeteners and chemicals. Delicious flavour. Affordability. These have all resonated with people who are not only conscious about their health, but also sensitive to the price of food in today's marketplace.

Today Choklat manufactures and sells 2-Pure products on behalf of 2-Pure Inc. in its GPP compliant and Organic certified facility. You can purchase 2-Pure products right here online, or at Choklat's factory store in Calgary's NE industrial park. While you're there, be sure to treat yourself to some of their chocolate. It's known all over the world for it's quality. After all, it's important to have some balance in your life right?

2-Pure Units Sold

Protein Hot Chocolates

Happy 2-Pure Buyers!

Legit Testimonials From
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Two weeks after we ship every order, we ask our customer for candid feedback on how we can improve.  Here is how 2263 customers rated us on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest:

Product: 4.94     Service: 4.9